Sono davvero felice e onorato di conoscere la classifica finale per il 2017 della Wpja: per la prima volta sono nei primi 25!!

La Wpja è probabilmente la più prestigiosa tra le associazioni che riuniscono i fotografi professionisti del Wedding, si accede solo per screening del portfolio da cui devono essere bandite le foto in posa e i giurati dei contest sono fotogiornalisti pluripremiati, tra cui diversi vincitori del Premio Pulitzer.

Congratulazioni al POY 2017 (Photographer Of the Year 2017) William Lambelet e a tutti i primi cento classificati!




I’m very proud and honored to learn the 2017 final ranking of Wpja: for the first time I’m in the top 25!!

Wpja is probably the most prestigious between associations of Wedding Professional Photographers, you can join it only after a screening of your portfolio and the judges of the contests are awarded photojounalists, among them are several Pulitzer winners.

Congratulations to POY 2017 (Photographer Of the Year 2017) William Lambelet and to all first 100 classified!

Here the complete 2017 ranking!


TOP 25 PHOTOGRAPHER IN 2017 - WPJA wpja-wedding-photographer-top-25-2017-300x300



TOP 25 PHOTOGRAPHER IN 2017 - WPJA wpja-classifica-screnshot


Here are my awarded photos in 2017:


TOP 25 PHOTOGRAPHER IN 2017 - WPJA 2nd-place-Tri3-1

2nd Place/ 2017 Tri3 Photography Competition – Ceremony

TOP 25 PHOTOGRAPHER IN 2017 - WPJA Tri2-First-place-2

1st Place / 2017 Tri2 Photography Competition – First dance